Writing: A Passion I Once Loved!

Blessing Unukpo
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2024
Photo credit: Canva

It's been ages since I wrote here…

Over 365+ days I guess,

I’ve even lost count.

It's just like yesterday, when I stumbled on Medium. So eager to pour out content irresistibly.

But then, I couldn’t keep up.

Gradually and slowly, I couldn’t stay consistent. And then, boom!

Time flew… very fast. Faster than I could imagine.

Will my audience here still recall my voice? Will my words still resonate with them? Are they still reading from me now?

Well, with hopes high, I decided to give it a try again. I decided to give Medium a fantastic ride again.

A lot has happened within 12+ months. There have been teachings, learnings, behind-the-scenes moments, late nights, early mornings, struggles, doggedness and many more.

Stay with me, you will get to read these stories soon. I will share it here with you.

I’m optimistic it will help you. It will help your brand. It will help your business. It will help in your routine.

Yes, I once loved writing. And guess what? I still do. And a bonus, I still monetize from it.

I will share these stories with you soon. Hang on…

