Writing Articles Is Not The Only Way To Grow On Medium

I advise everyone to publish a new article on Medium every day, but if you can’t do that, you can expand your audience in other ways.

René Junge


Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

You know the advice that it is best to publish daily on Medium. I give this advice myself to anyone who asks me. I know from experience that the views and reads drop dramatically as soon as I take a day off.

But what if you have nothing to say today? Sure, you could write about the first thought that comes into your head. You could list your five favorite books, write your opinion on the latest blog Buster or write the thousandth article on the Pomodoro technique.

There’s only one catch: the article that comes out of it has the sole purpose of letting you publish something. You don’t think about the readers in such a case. But Medium is first and foremost there for the readers. We authors are here to entertain and inform the readers.

That means if we have nothing substantial to say, we’d better keep quiet.

There will be days when you won’t find an interesting topic for an article. But instead of writing nothing at all, you can do something else instead:



René Junge

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: http://bit.ly/ReneJunge