Writing Drastically Aged Me In Six Months. How I’m Reversing It

Karina Pawlak
Published in
9 min readMar 30, 2024


Picture of author at the gym

July 2023, I am soccer mom supreme. Not only do I cheer, I kickass on the field. Ten year old boys are tough, but I am tougher. Okay, only marginally, but still. I am in the gym every day and I lift heavy. Weights move like butter. I have a knee issue, but it dissipates upon warm up. I also look good. My abs are not as defined as I want them, but they are visible. Either way, I am hot. Middle age is a breeze.

Fast Forward to February 2024. I can barely walk. The bad knee is so stiff it won’t bend. Worse yet, the bad knee is now the good knee because the good knee is even stiffer. I move slowly. I wince when I lift. Full range of motion on squats is a blatant no.

Just 3 months ago I played dodgeball with my son at the trampoline park. I feared slamming into little kids and accidentally hurting them. February I fear kids bumping into me and taking out my knee. I sit on the lounge sofas with the other parents and play on my phone.

My back feels sore too. I can’t get into a comfortable position at night. One way my right knee hurts, the other way my left, another way a pain shoots out of my hip and down my leg. As a result I feel groggy in the mornings. Often the lethargy persists throughout the day.



Karina Pawlak

Philosopher. Artist. Powerlifter. Author of Lifting Weights & Growing Organs. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1927023939