Ranting and Writing

Take Off Your Writing Habit

You don’t need to wear anything special to look fabulous

Britni Pepper
Published in
3 min readOct 4, 2020


Photo by David Rotimi on Unsplash

It’s five in the morning here in Melbourne. Daylight saving has just kicked in and my usually bizarre sleep patterns are even more wacky than usual.

A writer I admire published a story I adore, and here is my take on the topic.

Read their rant first. It’s a bloody good rant. It’s about writers and writing, and if you aren’t a writer — you really should be; I want to hear your stories — you are a reader, and you deserve writing that presses all your buttons.

Here’s my rant

Some writers are interchangeable. That’s because they write to a formula, often laid down by those who peddle “how to make it on Medium” courses. And sometimes because they just copy someone else’s work and have a slew of accounts all churning out pap.

But for most of us, we’re trying our best to write like we see it. Talking about our different experiences, our different skills…



Britni Pepper

Whimsical explorer: Britni maps the wide world and human heart with a twinkle in her eye, daring you to find magic in the everyday.