Writing My Memoir

Because It’s Cheaper Than Therapy

Lawson Wallace


Nick Morrison Unsplash

“ Your story is unique Lawson, You should write about it. “ I rolled my eyes and inwardly cringed. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea.

I seldom talk about the two and a half years I was homeless. I write about it because writing is a safe way to work things out in my mind. It’s my way to vent without getting drunk and breaking things.

Today I started writing my memoir. I know my Medium writing has value and has helped people. I know this because of the claps and comments on my posts.

All my life, I have wanted to be a writer. Now I’m writing, and My writing is being read. That means so much to me. I get frustrated with my grammar and punctuation mistakes, but I know that with practice and help from my friends online, I will be a better writer.

My memoir will be about how: with the help of my family, I was able to overcome Dyslexia and become a productive adult. It will also be a love story.
I met the woman I would marry while I was homeless.

It’s a challenge because I can get up in front of people and talk with relative ease, but writing is so hard. But I have noticed that the more I write, the better writer I become.

If nothing else, I will get things off my chest. It will doubtless improve my state of mind and make it easier for me to live with. I know my wife will appreciate that.

I write for clarity and understanding. Not always for other people. Sometimes I write for myself alone.

I know that when I finish my memoir it will have an impact on someone. I hope whoever reads it will enjoy it and learn from it and find it as unique as my wife believes it will be.



Lawson Wallace

64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.