Writing Online Won’t Make You a Millionaire

…Or it certainly won’t quickly

Student Rob


Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Pexels

In 2023 it seems as though we are surrounded by YouTubers, influencers, and self-proclaimed millionaires guiding us to start our own business — our ‘side hustle’.

Whether this is Ali Abdaal suggesting we start a personal blog, Nicholas Cole telling us to write online or Oliur (UltraLinx) proposing we create Notion templates to make millions, there is no shortage of internet personalities suggesting we start an online side hustle.

And why wouldn’t they? With minimal overheads and near-infinite scalability, it’s the perfect opportunity to make money without any risk… right?

Not quite.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll be extremely skeptical about opportunities like this, the all gain no pain type, and yet… we are still interested.

So with a healthy dose of skepticism, we cautiously begin writing online, expecting minimal progress but remaining hopeful.

The days, weeks, and months go by without so much as a single comment on your work.

But you’ve read Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins and watched the latest Tony Robbins speech on YouTube — you’re feeling motivated and don’t quit easily! And so you continue.



Student Rob

Hi, I’m Rob — a recently graduated masters student, public health researcher and aspiring writer.