WTF: I Was Cloned on Medium, and I’m Intensely Concerned as a Friend of Medium

The cloning of profiles, mimicking an old man, an infamous writer, editor, caring curator, and avid reader, raises serious concerns about the platform’s safety and security.

Mike Broadly, DHSc


Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

Why Being Cloned Impacts My Mental Health and Urgent Call to Action for Medium to Stop Spam and Scam Accounts Undermining the Authenticity of the Platform

Upon learning from my friends that there were concerns about a potential hack on my account earlier today, I was deeply alarmed, drawing parallels with the cautionary tales shared by my adult children, now professionals, who have experienced the pitfalls of the unpredictable internet landscape.

To mitigate risks, I’ve been meticulous about safeguarding against hackers by refraining from using my full identity and detailed photographs on platforms like Medium and social media. The advice from my children to exercise vigilance online has proven invaluable, and…



Mike Broadly, DHSc

Retired health scientist in his mid 70s, avid reader, writer, chief editor of Health & Science, part of ILLUMINATION. Info: