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Wulirocks new Lofi playlist

Turn one drawing into a video

Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2024


Since I work on my own on this project, I always need to find ways to optimize my time and spending. The basic strategy is that everything I produce must serve not just one but multiple purposes.

Initially, the music video I will be sharing features a final background design that will be used in the web series for my YouTube channel.

I will present Bytebot, the character seen in the black and white animatic below, for the first time in a final version as it will appear in the series.

source: Youtube

Above is the animatic a rough version of a movie, series, or TV commercial without spending too much time or money. It consists of a sequence of black and white drawings with sound that should give an overall idea of what the scene will look like (see video above) .

Satisfied with the animatic, I decided to invest more time in a cleaner, more refined version.

Below, you can see a first version of one the room in the giant space ship.

It is the resting a area where the crew can socialize off working hours.

US submarines and aircraft carrier inspiration

This idea of having a McDonald’s aboard the ship was inspired by two documentaries I watched about life onboard US submarines and Aircraft carrier. You can read more about it in my medium article here, or the free version that will be available on Substack.

“These areas are dedicated to boosting the crew’s morale. They include markets, vending machines, and even actual Starbucks and McDonald’s to recreate a home-like feel, which can significantly boost the crew’s morale.

Knowing that psychological weakness among the crew could lead to fatal mistakes, the necessity of implementing such features is neither fancy nor a luxury, but an absolute necessity.”

So having resting areas, besides adding realism to the inner functioning of the ship, is perfect for storytelling and opens great opportunities in terms of marketing. I believe nothing should serve only one purpose in any given decision.

source: Youtube

One Drawing: Multiple Usage

After I completed the drawing I decided to take a different approach by turning it into a video rather than simply posting it on an concept art website.

While I will probably post it on an art platform later to get some attention and potentially attract freelance clients, I believe that the competitive nature of the field would make it challenging.

This highlights the issue inherent to any oversaturated markets.

Instead, I opted for a more mobile approach to reach a broader audience.

By adding effects and music to the still image, I can leverage it as a powerful marketing tool to drive views on YouTube, generate potential leads, and increase traffic to my print-on-demand store.

There is a lot more to do and say about this first Lo-Fi video, and more updates will be shared about it. There are other strategic uses for such content within the brand ecosystem, as well as additional ways to generate income from it.

In the meantime, if you enjoy the content, I would appreciate it if you share this video, subscribe to the channel, or subscribe to my free Substack newsletter.

I will be happy to hear your thoughts in the comments, or you can contact me directly here or at

Thanks for reading, and I am particularly grateful to people who have already subscribed to this newsletter. I try to read other people’s stories and articles, and I hope to improve my time management skills to dedicate more time to reading others. Not everyone is outspoken or comfortable sharing their thoughts, yet I believe everyone has something valuable to bring to the table.

Music from Fassounds:

Alternatively, if you have an art commission idea or would like to collaborate on a project, please email me at Let’s create something amazing together!

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