Year: 2099 — The Machines Have Learned Well. Now It’s Time for Human Learning.

A peek into a probable future

3 min readApr 2, 2022


Photo by Yuyeung Lau on Unsplash

Human Testing Trial №170098009887

A human is brought in and seated before the machine.

The machine asks the human, “Are you ready?”

Human — “Yes”

“What is your human number?”

Right when the human is about to answer, the machine starts talking in an authoritative tone-

“I tracked your details. You are human serial number 170098009887. You have had 26 social media accounts and 15 mail IDs. Do you believe using a different account each time will remove you from our testing radar? Remember, you built us to store all the data, and now every bit of data you enter through your fingers belongs to us.”

The human remains quiet.

Machine — “How are you feeling? “

Human: “I am doing gre…. “

The human is again cut off by the machine talking.

Machine: “You say you are doing great, but from the blood movement on your face, I can read you are 88% unhappy. No amount of training or practice can get you past our strict program codes. One AI scan and we can decode what you are going through.”

“Your body temperature is now 102°F and you are nearing a feverish state. Since the beginning of the interview, your anxiety levels have increased by 29 %. The distance between your eyelids reveals your tiredness and sleep deprivation. The 27% dense black tint under your eyes also proves that point. It’s could stem from both not taking the specified dosage of food tablets and from nightmares. What was yesterday’s nightmare about?”

Human: “It was a dream, not a nightmare,” with a small forced smile.

Machine: “Explain the content and context of your dream?”

Human: “I dreamt of our achievements. About the past and how far we have come since the early 2000’s when machine learning was first introduced. I also dreamt about the future, about this marvelous and dynamic world of machines. And how after completing all human trials this year, the machines can finally take over the milky way from the 21st century.”

Machine: “You may leave the trial now.”

The human is certain that he has failed the test and has fallen prey to the machine. All the amount of preparation for this day proved to be futile. He definitely knows that the machine is aware that he was lying, but still unsure why the machine had let him go.

The AI machine codes down the human testing feedback:

Result: Human is lying.



Delete Human 170098009887 and any associated cache post-trail run on project 768901.


A new subject for project 768901 -Finding what humans dream when asleep.

“80 years ago, they started to make us do all the work. Now they are useless, so we shall execute them one by one after learning everything they know. “

Bring in the next human no. 170098009888.

It’s time for human learning.

-Shruthi Rajaram

Thank you for reading my work, check out more of my work at Shruthi_Rajaram.

Don’t forget to clap and tell me what you think in your comments. Until next time. Ciao!!

❤ Shroo




Writing is how I pour my heart out into the world. Any writing, I feel should be relatable and be able to tell the reader they aren't alone in this world.