Yes, You Can Enjoy Your Client or Boss who just changed his/her mind

Hint : Watch your self-talk!

Khalil Gdoura


Gifted by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Life has not to be perfect. We may get the job we love, the project we crave, and still, moments of boredom and frustration can hit, spreading doubts about our work, management, or worse, relationship with the one who trusted us. How can this happen ?

My confession in a nutshell

That day, I was about to polish a report before delivering it and raising my invoice, only to learn that some significant changes are needed by the client. While the claim was legitimate and doable at that stage, I was already invaded by unpleasing thoughts and resentment, triggering questions such as :

  • They ought tell me that from the very beginning..
  • So.. the initial briefing was incomplete, great!
  • This is disrespect.. I have other responsibilities! I am not their employee!
  • Why did I accept that work in the first place ? Why!

That escalated -in my mind - leading to all kinds of doubts about the essence of my freelancing career itself. Needless to say, the more I let those thoughts race, the less I was moved to revisit my work as recommended.

How did I escape that loop ?



Khalil Gdoura

Creative Entrepreneur / Habit Coach / I reflect on my journey, in the continual pursuit of Energy, Innovation and Productivity /