Yesterday’s Answers Might Not be Today’s

Why data- and study-backed research might not be all its been cracked up to be

David Andrew Wiebe


Yesterday’s Answers Might Not be Today’s
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Most if not all marketers claim their courses are tested, proven, and foolproof.

To be fair, they’d be tone deaf to say otherwise, lest they desire less credibility and fewer sales.

But how many times have you followed their strategies, methodologies, and advice to a tee, only to find your results aren’t anything resembling what was promised?

Is there something wrong with the product? The way you applied the method? Your enthusiasm or lack thereof? The market you chose? The fact that you don’t look and sound like the expert teaching the material?

Knowledge is Past Based

People always seem to go gaga over data-backed, science-based, deeply researched pieces.

Marketing guru and serial entrepreneur Neil Patel says:

If you want to increase user engagement on your blog, generate more social shares, increase click-through rates, acquire more customers and drive sales, try switching content strategies to the data-driven blog post.

And yet, the part that we consistently miss is the fact that knowledge is past based. It is not rooted in…



David Andrew Wiebe

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.