Yhprum’s law

Larry Nowicki
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2020


is the opposite of Murphy’s law.

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Anything that can go right will go right

I was recently followed by https://uxdesign.cc/@hosseinraspberry
In his article, he mentioned how lucky we are to have made it this far.

My big takeaway from this is that I have decided to have a new look at my philosophy for life. I will look at life for what is right. Things will go wrong but I will see it as a reason to do something else.
Everything happens for a reason. We might never know what it is but there is a reason. People come into our life and people go. They are there to make us better.

I will no longer live by Murphy’s law.
I will look for what is right.

Yhprum’s Law

Thanks for reading. You could have spent your time elsewhere but you choose to be here.

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Larry Nowicki

👄The KISS Specialist👄 👍simple makes it easy 😉break it down to basics Keep It Simple Skills. https://paypal.me/larrynowicki1?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US