Yoga in All its Glory

Dr. Preeti Singh
Published in
5 min readOct 1, 2020


(The story of the spine)

Photo credit Nirmala -of Preeti Singh Author

I am a yoga enthusiast and due to this passion, I wake up early morning every day. If I am late, I lose the day and have to forget about yoga. Every year, I do take a yoga break for about two weeks when I go on holiday.

This year was unusual and my holiday was canceled due to the pandemic COVID -19 situation in the world, so it just happened that I continued with yoga and no breaks took place.

During this year, since there is no hurry to go to work, every morning, I go to my verandah and speak to my plants, listen to the twitter of the birds on the trees and watch the squirrels up and down and the crow goes on making a sound of ken-ken, once that is done, it is time to begin my yoga.

Yoga and Spine

For me, yoga is in three slots, standing, lying down, and then sitting down so that my body is flexible in different positions. Yoga is the story of the spine that is specifically focussed on this story. ( I had earlier written On June 19th in my post ‘ Yoga Love’ on Medium as to how I got interested in yoga. This was due to the inspiration of a good patient yoga teacher.) This post is specifically on just two positions that are spine oriented. The ‘Pavan Mukta’ asana and the ‘Sarvang Asana’, whose benefits I will let you know. Remember, the spine will energize you and make…



Dr. Preeti Singh

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.