Yoga Pants — Why Can’t Men Wear Them?!

This is why I always fall down when trying a new pose

Brett Chrest


My wife practicing yoga on a beach in the Bahamas. Photo credit: the author

Some time ago, my wife talked me into trying yoga. She is rather good at getting me to do stuff I wouldn’t be naturally drawn to. My current status with yoga is “it’s complicated”.

I took a break from yoga, mostly because of lower back pain. Also, mostly-er, because I can’t physically balance myself, even when I am sleeping. I can trip when I am lying down on an ergonomically supreme mattress.

The kids would start taking odds on when daddy would fall over. If you took the “more than two poses” ticket, you were doomed.

Why is the dog facing downward?

Photo by Rima Kruciene on Unsplash

Nonetheless, I was able to see the benefits of turning into a downward facing dog for a relatively brief period of time. But, I noticed something curious when my wife and I would watch instructional yoga videos. The women would wear clothes that were derived from decades of DARPA research.

The men were dressed in saggy t-shirts and gym shorts from 20 years ago. Adhering to the “when in Rome” theory, I’d rock the same shorts I wore…



Brett Chrest

After 15 years working for the Federal government, I’m a stay-at-home dad trying to figure out why the laundry won’t fold itself. Website: