You Are A Thought Addict And You Need Help

Cold Turkey is the simplest but most challenging solution

Frank T Bird
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2022


The thinker by Anastasia Shuraeva

First, Fuck Eckhart Tolle

For a while there, every time I tried to come into the NOW, all I saw was his rich smarmy face laughing like a mental patient and counting his dollar bills.

But we can’t let this bastard hold the copyright on the NOW.

It belongs to everyone Eckhart you weird bastard.


Thought addiction is no different to heroin addiction

Or alcoholism, for that matter or, in my case, Snickers bar addiction FUCKIT.

Or any addiction

Thought addiction is something we never fucking talk about because science hasn’t figured it out yet.

And yet it’s the biggest problem that human beings have.

We can’t stop escaping into the dualistic space capsule in our heads.

And from that dualistic reverse telescope perspective, we see everything through the lens of shite that we have built up since the days of Shakespeare or Jesus or T-Rex or whoever.

And somehow, we believe that we are a dumb vegetable that can’t operate in this world without thoughts.

Do you think that the universe needs your dumb thoughts in order to make sense?

Do you think without the non-stop narrative in your head, you will look at a beautiful flower and only see HRR$GUMPH##3!13?

HRR$GUMPH##3!13 by Anthony

Why the fuck do you think spiritual masters have been talking about the present moment for thousands of years?

We still don’t get what’s happening.

We have to go back into our dualistic space capsule and start tapping on the control panel to try and analyse what the spiritual master has told us about being in the present moment.

Does he mean that if I shift my second level awareness to my first and hold my breath at the third chakra while stimulating my perineum?

No, he (or she) means to get the fuck out of your dualistic space capsule, AKA YOUR HEAD, relax and come back into the world you nincompoop.

Then do it again. Then again. Keep doing it. Give up your thoughts.

Just ditch them.

Yes, but Frank, without thoughts, how am I to navigate this complex world and feed my kids and….

Listen to me.

You will do it a lot better when you spend more time in the world and not looking out at it from the isolated glass bubble of your self imposed ego-prison.

The more you keep coming back into the world, the more it starts opening up for you and the easier it becomes to stay here for longer periods.

Yes, but Frank, if it is as easy as being present, why are there millions of spiritual teachings?

I’ll tell ya. Cos, it’s not easy, but it IS simple.

And its cos we’re shit at it and because the habit of thinking is SO damn strong.

And the framework of knots that tie us to those words in our head is so damn unique in every one of us.

We are addicted to such a tremendous degree that we can’t even consider not thinking for a single moment.

  • What do ya do with a raging bull that won’t sit still? Ya, strap it down.
  • What do ya do with an untrained dog? Ya, teach it to sit.
Look how cute he is mushamushamusha (Helena Lopes)

But is captivity the point?

Nope, it’s a tool on the path to freedom.

Strapping the mind down increases concentration. It slows the flow of thoughts. It helps us wriggle free of them back into the world AKA the now AKA the present moment where everything is motherfucking complete.

We capture the mind in order to set it free.

Don’t look for it elsewhere. Don’t look for it next to the coffee cups in the door of your motherfucking dualistic space capsule in your head.

You wanna escape your thoughts? Come into the world. Come on yer bastard.

But they are so addictive. Just one tiny thought, please?

NO. No more shooting up thoughts. No more smoking them. No more shelving them. No more snorting them.

The world is full of thought junkies, and it’s killing us.

Come into the present Kids.

No thinking.

But don’t suppress them. It’s not like turning off the radio in yer space capsule. Get the fuck out of the space capsule then it doesn't matter if yer left the radio on right?

But won’t no thoughts make me a mad person?

Maybe, but aren’t you curious as to what the world looks like, minus all of your personal shit?

Is it better?

Well, you tell me once ya get out of rehab, okay?

I’ll be waiting.

