You are an Overcomer

Andrew O.A
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2023
Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” — Nelson Mandela

You are capable of overcoming any situation that comes your way. You are made to do great exploits in this life. Regardless of your situation or condition, you are an overcomer. I believe that; just summon the courage to believe in yourself too.

Are you doubting yourself because of certain conditions you have surrounding you? But guess what? The only limitations you have are the ones you set for yourself.

I just believe that whatever you are going through, if you believe that you can overcome it, you will do so for sure. Because the Lord will act on your faith.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” — Hebrew 11:1

Achieving your goals might not be a visible dream, but I can tell you that if you believe and work towards that goal, you carry it on your mind and just wish that you could achieve it if possible. Hear me out: Everything is impossible until someone makes it possible. Why not go out there and try to make the impossible possible? Why not give it your best and see what will come out of it?

The Ultimate Overcomer One of the best-known “overcomers” in American history would have to be Helen Keller, who refused to allow the blindness of her eyes and the deafness of her ears to keep her from enjoying her life, achieving remarkable goals, and making significant contributions to society.

Until she was nineteen months old, Helen Keller’s life was relatively normal. But everything changed when she became very ill with what was then called “brain fever.” Many people now believe she suffered from scarlet fever, but regardless of her diagnosis, the disease left her severely handicapped, destroying her ability to see and hear.

To help her, her parents took her to see Alexander Graham Bell, who gained fame as the inventor of the telephone but was also a knowledgeable teacher of the deaf and a helpful resource for hearing-impaired individuals. Bell referred the Kellers to Boston’s Perkins School for the Blind.

The Perkins School provided Helen with a tutor named Anne Sullivan, whom Helen affectionately called “Teacher” until Sullivan’s death. As a child, Helen was extremely frustrated by her handicaps and often became violently angry.

But Sullivan remained patient and diligent, and over time he taught Helen to read Braille, to write, and to communicate effectively even though she was blind and deaf. To learn more about this, read the play The Miracle Worker by William Gibson or watch the movie by the same name.

As a young child, Helen knew she wanted to go to college and was determined not to let her handicaps deny her that privilege. After studying hard and preparing diligently, she was admitted to Radcliffe College, the women’s school associated with Harvard University, and began her studies there with Anne Sullivan’s help in 1900. Four years later, she mastered several languages and graduated with honors.

In college, Helen embarked on a writing career that would last half a century and include books, newspaper articles, and magazine pieces. Her first book, The Story of My Life, was published in 1903 and eventually found its way into print in more than fifty languages.

Before the end of her life in 1968, Helen received numerous honorary degrees and awards for her humanitarian work and the inspiration she provided for the blind and the deaf, including the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Perhaps more than that, though, she enjoyed her many opportunities to meet dignitaries such as Oliver Wendall Holmes and every U.S. president, from Grover Cleveland to Lyndon B. Johnson.

One of the primary reasons Helen Keller never gave up on herself was that Anne Sullivan never gave up on her. In this article, I have urged you to not give up on yourself, and I will continue to encourage you in that way. But I also want to make sure you remember to do everything you can to inspire others to persevere through their difficulties and overcome their challenges, just as you do.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela

You can overcome a lot if you believe and never let your guard down or give up. I remember a short video I watched some time ago. Elon Musk was being asked if he thought of giving up after his first three rocket launches failed. But he said, ‘NEVER, I DON’T EVER GIVE UP’.

Have the same mentality, and whatever you are going through or trying to achieve, you can; just don’t ever give up.

If you like what you’ve read, a clap or more will be much appreciated, and if you’d like to read more from me, consider following me. I write stories to assist you with the knowledge of the qualities you need to achieve your dreams. Thank you!



Andrew O.A

I'm a young man in his late teens who loves to read a lot and add value to himself and mostly others. I derive joy in inspiring, motivating and helping others