You Are Living Your Soul’s Dream Life

The Truth is Buried in Your Spiritual Memory

Cosmo Zen (Sophia's Avatar)
4 min readJul 14, 2024


Crystal spheres of people at different stages of life
Image generated by the Author with Midjourney

One thing I’ve noticed on the spiritual path is how closely spirituality and fiction are related. Our sense of the world beyond is precisely what inspires our works of fiction, especially fantasy, which often contains elements of the supernatural — whether that involves classical beliefs such as magic and alchemy, or themes of reincarnation, sin, prophecy, and afterlife.

In fact, it seems apparent to me that the journey of the soul plays a pivotal role in nearly all great works of fiction. This thought struck me as I was attending Anime Expo over July 4th weekend. There, one of the panels discussed the making of isekai, a type of anime in which a protagonist is transported (often via reincarnation) into an alternate universe, where they usually have a special destiny to fulfill along with some pretty cool abilities.

I would contend that in the case of isekai, we are indirectly witnessing the soul’s primary existential adventure— that of being born into a world of its own choosing.

Playing Make Believe

When we think of our higher self, living in some ethereal world above our own — perhaps one more peaceful and culturally enlightened than ours — we tend to think of their life as more desirable than our material, earthly one, with all its conflicts and flaws. This might lead us to look for ways to escape physical reality in order to exist closer to that numinous world that seems more perfect than our physical one.

But what if we have it backwards?

This reversal struck me as incredibly true as I was meditating this past weekend. I thought, what if, despite all appearances, my soul actually considers this world more perfect than the world she came from? What if her motivation for inhabiting this world, this body, is in order to live out a dream life in a fictional universe, in the same way we do when we dive into our own imagined ‘verses?

The confirmation I received was unusually strong: an overwhelming surge of emotion and a profound sense of remembrance. A simultaneous deep appreciation for the life I have, and a deep sadness for all the times I had failed to see it for what it was.

In an instant, I found myself more in love with this world than I have ever been. The disappointments and frustrations I was feeling before suddenly seemed trivial and nonexistent. I simply knew then that my life was perfect as it was, and all I wanted was to appreciate every moment of this incredible dream life. Moments with loved ones and moments of solitude, moments of triumph and moments of deep doubt, they were all a part of an incredible story that my soul yearned to experience.

I’ve learned to appreciate that these thoughts and emotions are not accidental, but the result of the matrix of reality unfolding through a higher consciousness. It is the Universe’s way of saying, “I hear you and feel the same. Thank you for understanding.”

If we think about it from our soul’s perspective, it actually makes a lot of sense. When we watch a movie or play a video game, we are doing so because we want to experience a story that makes sense to us, and that story occurs in a medium that is simpler than our everyday reality. The world of the fiction is limited to what is shown on the screen or programmed into the game, as are the choices available. The protagonist often has a heroic destiny that unfolds according to a predetermined sequence of events, or otherwise lives an exciting life of mystery and adventure in an ideal or at least interesting world.

For our higher dimensional souls, our lives are that story. In the same way that we view a challenge in a 2D game to be interesting for us, the unique polarities of the 3D world are seen as interesting from a 4D perspective. We may not always understand why our soul finds a particular situation interesting (often the answer involves experiences from a past life). But we can be sure that our experience is not an accident.

Collectively, our souls are the universe’s greatest creators, yet creating a world can be lonely if you’ve no one to share it with. All you have, really, are the beings you’ve created to fulfill your desire for stories and companionship. It is this desire to be known that drives your soul to create, and it is that same desire that is reflected in our lives. Make no mistake, your soul wants you to pay attention to them and what they have built. It’s like they are calling out to you: Hey, look at what I created! Don’t you just love it? I made it just for you.

We will live many more lives after this one. This isn’t an invitation to waste this life, but to live it fully without encumbering expectations. The world is full of magic, meaning, and beautiful moments to be discovered. You are here because you’re the perfect being to appreciate this moment and life with.

All you need to do is wake up and realize the perfect being you really are.

