You are more beautiful than you think

Spark Within You
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2023

Most of times I look in to mirror and I feel about myself that I am not beautiful enough. But the reality is each one of them are beautiful in there one way.

Dove experiment

10 years before dove has conducted one experiment.

Where group of people who themselves believe that they are not beautiful enough were invited.

Photo by Frankie Cordoba on Unsplash

They also invited an experienced forensic artist to draw sketches of the participants.

Describing themselves to the artist

First, each one them described to the forensic artist about themselves without seeing each other with a separation in the room to ensure that both are not looking each other.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

With that input artist can able to draw portraits of people who believed themselves that they are not beautiful enough.

The second part

On the other hand the same person drawing was sketched again.

But this time the forensic artist got the input from other people who did not know the participants. These people had only seen the participants briefly.


At the end, each Sketch was compared.

The self-described drawing vs the drawing based on a stranger’s input.

Amazingly, the drawings based on the strangers’ inputs were more beautiful than the self-described ones.


This comparison clearly demonstrated that beauty depends on how you perceive yourself.

You become more beautiful when you started to believe that you are beautiful.

The real beauty lies in our character rather than just a physical appearance.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Smiley face is always beautiful

Thankyou. Love You🤟

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