You Are More Powerful Than You Believe

What’s the secret to increasing your power and influence?

Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters


Power and influence are everywhere in our lives. However, they’re both challenging to quantify.

We all have levels of influence and power in our work and at home.

How we use them to make a difference will determine if we are increasing our influence and power.

If we use our lives to help others and accomplish significant outcomes, we will see our influence and power increase. If we use our position and status to gain greater results just for ourselves, we will lose influence and power.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Use it for the good of your family, work, and community, and you will see it grow exponentially.

Lesson to Learn

Influence and power are essential tools to gain meaningful outcomes.

How we use our power and influence determines whether it increases or diminishes.

When we use our influence to help others, it grows.

Individuals and teams are more responsive to those who care for them and serve the…



Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters

I write to educate and inspire. President & CEO of MACNY - The Manufacturers Association with over 300 company members in New York State. Visit