You Are Not a Loser, You Are Just Disinterested in Life

Mediocre is a choice and you have a choice to be better.

Jessey Anthony


7 Habits to Stop Being Mediocre In Life
Image by freepik

I suck at feeling sorry for myself. If there is one thing I know how to do best, it is not giving up.

But today, I felt like drowning in a pool of water after I humiliated myself in front of kids.

Think of me as a perfectionist. So any failure, no matter how insignificant it may be has a negative effect on me.

My nephew and his sisters are spending their holiday with me. I enjoy having them around. They challenge me to do those little things we adults ignore.

We were playing truth or dare, but when I refused a dare to catch a tarantula with my bare hands they told me to make paper bird for them for one week.

I had no idea where to begin. While I made a fool of myself, fumbling with the paper like an idiot, these kids had their fun laughing at me.

Thanks to Mirabel who came to my rescue. Though she was of no help at all.

As embarrassing as it was not knowing how to make crafts with paper, which shouldn’t be a big deal, Mirabel used the opportunity to lament how pitiful how life was.



Jessey Anthony

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: