You Are Not Your Job — Take It Easy

In the extreme flow of events and actions, it is extremely important to stop for a moment and take a deep breath.

Rafayel Hovhannisyan


Or, maybe you think the opposite?

Seriously, stop it, stop that run, it has no end and no destination. Take a moment and look at yourself from the outside.

I know I know, project, deadlines, time to market, clients, tasks, tickets, bugs, clients, subscriptions, trends, conversion rate, sales, MRR, ARR, churn, blah blah blah.

Take a deep breath, and think once again.

No one wants you to be like that, not your job, nor you, and even not your manager.

Taking care of your balance is your sole responsibility.

Sure, some situations may require you to run like a horse, however, you shouldn’t make it a habit. You are not a horse.

You know exactly where it’s going to take you, it’s a well-known place, and you know what it smells like, what it looks and feels like, it’s always the same — burnout.

Burnout is not professional.

Realize that it’s not a sprint; but a marathon, so be prepared to constantly keep the pace that will let you reach the finish with others and will let your partners rely on you.

You should once and forever forget about the sprint mindset. How long you will last? A three-month? Maybe six? A year? And what is next?

After a few instances, those around you may find it challenging to rely on you simply because they won’t be aware of your current state. Nobody wants to hear how you burned out hardworking. While it might sound heroic in your thoughts, however, the reality is that it’s stupid.

Don’t be a “Hey, I didn’t manage my resources so you can’t count on me, yeah and I need to go on vacation immediately, burnout, you know.” type of guy.

Business needs consistency and stability.

Don’t turn your regular job into an attraction. Not everyone loves carousels, especially in the business.

Have you reached the point where seeing someone relax makes you angry? The only person you should get mad at is yourself. The globe doesn’t stop; it continues to rotate, with or without you. However, even if it does, take a moment and let the globe rest alongside you.

You know that soon there will come a time when you will stop. However, you will continue the same way, undeterred by waning energy and enthusiasm. Why wait until it finds you? Choose to quit on your own terms.

Regardless of your position and role, learn to plan well, and not catch up constantly. It doesn’t matter what kind of productive monster you turned yourself into, you need to slow down or you will be slowed down without your will and not for a good reason.

It’s your responsibility to take care of yourself and this is what should be your habit, for you and your job.

Hope this will be helpful for you and your team and will let you focus on important things!



Rafayel Hovhannisyan

Senior Software Engineer - Driving Growth @ Podcastle AI. Writing about software engineering, productivity, and writing