You are Nothing But Information

Our essence in a nut shell

Taha Abbas
2 min readMay 1, 2022


Photo by Jack Van Hel on Unsplash

Almost all the time, we reside in the 3D realm, yet we remain unaware of this concrete illusion. Each individual is a fragment of the collective spirit or Light, carrying infinite information, that manifests as the mind and the body. This microcosm helps us see the world from a different lens. Imagine being conscious as a sofa, car or an animal.

The identification with the object moves us along with the character and we become accustomed to its nature. We forget our true identity, unless we are evolved or fortunate enough to question who we are and where we come from.

When I started meditating in early 2O18, I was heavily inspired by Nisargadatta Maharaj and began focusing on the mantra, I AM!

As time went by I noticed that my personality began fading away, and I gradually moved towards my true nature nothingness. The intensity of the worship got so strong that I could sense the presence of the Invisible Self around me. A silent witness comforting me like a blanket. The bliss was so overwhelming, that I chose to refrain from any sensual distraction and immersed myself in the Ocean of Love.

I began shedding my old self, undressing to become one with my Beloved.

You have to annihilate yourself to realise your Self.

When I emptied myself completely, I no longer felt terror, grief or any longing. I was now in my natural state. It was as if I stepped out of the screen, and observed myself from the projector room.

I watched the world pass me by, as I enjoyed the Divine ecstasy. They say, what Lord shall give, shall take it away.

So, one day, I began absorbing everyones energy around me. If I would try to use my senses, it would hurt, as if I was born again, and began getting adjusted to the 3D world. It felt like I had been thrown from heaven, for trying to nibble the forbidden fruit. It was not my time to be liberated, and I had to come back in my body to serve my purpose.

All the information we absorb, right from the moment of our time in the womb, we mold ourselves into that vibration.

