You are the Universe.

Dylan Eastland
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2020
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

A puzzle sits on a coffee table. The image pictured upon it is the universe. There are 7 billion pieces of this puzzle, all of which fit tidily in the grooves of each other. You stand at the doorway to this living room with a piece in your right hand. The final piece of the puzzle. Now you look at the puzzle and there is a gap missing in the picture, in turn throwing off the whole artwork. Do you stand there and watch it go on incomplete? Or do you approach it and complete the puzzle with your piece? I cannot name a single person that would like to see a puzzle go unfinished. Well it just looks wrong doesn’t it. Unsatisfying to a hellish extent. A piece so small, yet so significant in the great scheme of things. So why is it any different in a literal sense?

One person out of 7.594 billion. A tiny grain of sand. Until you think about it, you do not understand your significance in our world.

To use another analogy, imagine a beach that had no sand. They remained as just dirt patches with little bit of ocean. Everyone has one singular grain of sand in their pocket. Well of course if one of those people drops a grain of sand onto the ground it will not even make a scratch. But if everyone places their grain of sand in the right spot, we create a perfect golden sand beach. One person out of 7.594 billion. A tiny grain of sand. Until you think about it, you do not understand your significance in our world. Each person has a monumental impact on the Universe.

You see, you are absolutely fundamental to our existence, our fabric, the very fibre of our being and universe.

The well known theory of the Butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. Quite like a ripple in a fish pond. Your so called insignificant action has an unprecedented affect on the course the universe takes. Your one action, shapes the universe itself. Every action lays a new road for your existence, leaving a perfectly paved road for the person who chooses to follow you. You see, you are absolutely fundamental to our existence, our fabric, the very fibre of our being and Universe.

We are so often taught in school that we are insignificant. Just another fish in the sea. We may feel somewhat offended by such a remark, but really, the acknowledgement that you are your own individual is the highest compliment anyone can receive. All of us in this world today, are mirror reflections of the Universe. We are in fact crucial chess pieces in a big game of cosmic chess. The king, the queen, the rook. In saying that, we are all one. Each and everyone of us are both our own individuals and the fundamental finger puppets of our Universe. “What you are basically, deep deep down, far far in, is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself” (Alan W. Watts, 1971) No matter your belief system, religious or atheist, the Universe has a plan, and to think we are alive at this time, is the greatest gift of all.

Put your cognitive dissonance to bed, and look through your own eyes.

For some, this information doesn’t come as a surprise. For others, the thought that you are more than just yourself is as hard to grasp as a slippery bar of soap. But I challenge you, to implement this knowledge into your day to day life. This will let you discover it for yourself. Don’t take someone else’s word for it. Open your eyes to the possibility that you are the Universe and the Universe is you. Put your cognitive dissonance to bed, and look through your own eyes. Since my realisation of this, I have been a completely improved being, although it has been a journey. For I feel I always new it. It just took a profound experience of unspecific self discovery.

Keep searching and you will find it.



Dylan Eastland

My job here is to challenge the everyday person to question even the most simple concepts of their lives. To take it into account is your own choice.