You Can Choose to Make Money

…and other horrible things men say to low-income women.

This Woman


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It stabbed my ears causing a pain sharper than the tooth in need of a root canal. “You can choose to make money” but rather, you might have been laid off, or perhaps you are working yourself to the bone, paycheck to paycheck.

He, who does not flinch filling up the tank wondering whether or not he will need to use that debit card for groceries later. The tank of the car he has the monthly payment for on autopay. He, who negotiated his salary because he never had a manager (sometimes a woman) start compensation discussions with, “this offer is not negotiable.”

He, who tells you, “you have a bad attitude” when you vented out over an experience with workplace harassment or discrimination. And, “you don’t speak for yourself” when you decided it’s best to wait until the next check comes in before circling back with Human Resources about your report. The complaint you filed which you never heard back from will likely get you — not the reported male — fired.

He, who wants a voice in deciding whether or not you should keep that baby. The baby you have to wonder whether or not you would lose to a broken foster system anyway. “You could choose to make money,” he says. Like a cheap motivational speaker (or an expensive life guru). As if…



This Woman

Mother, writer, busy woman. The only thing that matters about my childhood is that I survived.