Education | Work | Self-Employment

You Can Still Be Wildly Successful Without a College Degree

A piece of parchment doesn’t hold all of your value.

Lauren Hall
Published in
13 min readMay 17, 2022


Photo by Patty Brito on Unsplash

When I was little, my twin brother and I were often encouraged by our mom to play together.

There were the typical sibling wars — he ripped off the legs of my Jordan Knight doll (I put pants on him anyway and the little guy performed Step By Step until my arm got tired of holding him up) and I got my revenge when I snapped the plastic cover of his Ninja Turtles van.

That’s right. I snapped it off like the Hulk rips apart rebar.

We tried to play nicely, though, too — probably in an effort to placate our well-meaning mother. One activity that was always welcome between us both was playing with my brother’s Ninja Turtles, even after my malicious van attack, and only if I pretended that my Barbie was April O’Neil (for obvious reasons, he wouldn’t let me play with a solitary turtle.)

April O’Neil, in case you’re too young to remember boxy TVs with bunny ears, was a reporter extraordinaire — at least, she was in my time (previously she was a computer programmer, which I also think is mega-cool.) The late ’80s brought so many awesome things, one of which was a Ninja Turtles cartoon…

