You Deserve a Total Bed Make-Over

Ten Ways that Replacing Your Sheets and Pillows Will Improve Your Life

Rose Bak


Photo by Rose Bak

“I can’t sleep any more. It’s too much like death.” — Cosmo Castorini in “Moonstruck”

We are all spending most of our time at home these days so I have to ask you: when’s the last time you replaced your pillows, bought new sheets or updated your bedspread?

I was in bed the other night, tossing and turning, when I had the sudden urge to use the restroom. Apparently when you hit your 50s, your nights become an endless series of bathroom trips.

Anyway, I looked down and realized I had my pillows folded over and bunched up like a bunch of rags. Frowning, I shook them out a bit and took a good look at them. My pillows were flat, misshapen and old.

My sheets weren’t much better. They were faded and threadbare. Those poor sheets have seen a lot of hot flashes and snuggling dogs (don’t judge me). I have rags that look better than my sheets did.

I haven’t slept well since 1980, but even so, I wondered how much worse my sleep was because of my ratty old bedding. I often find myself inexplicably itchy and with sore muscles from sleeping wrong on my pillows.



Rose Bak

Rose Bak is a freelance non-fiction writer as well as the author of more than 50 books. Find Rose's books at .