You Don’t Have to Get Naked

Renee Shaw
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2024
Photo by Europeana on Unsplash

The pressure to overshare, to present a perfectly curated image of ourselves, can be overwhelming. It makes us doubt whether genuine connection is even possible without baring all, both emotionally and creatively.

But just like the saying goes, “you don’t have to get naked to be sexy.” Real connection comes from authenticity and a willingness to engage, not from manufactured vulnerability. This is especially important in a world obsessed with polished, performative content.

And speaking of creation… Audre Lorde’s words ring true

“There are no new ideas. There are only new ways of making them felt.”

This speaks deeply to the idea of remix culture, which, at its best, is imo about transformation, not straight-up theft.

Consider Tim Berners-Lee and the birth of the first website. He didn’t invent the underlying technologies from scratch. Instead, his genius lay in reimagining, combining, and refining those concepts into something that revolutionised the world. He built upon the shoulders of giants and propelled us toward a more connected future.

To be fair, there’s a fine line between transformative remixing and simply lifting someone else’s meme or content without giving credit. That’s where the ‘why we steal’ question comes in.

“Am I taking this out of admiration and the desire to build upon it? Or is it laziness, a way to bypass doing my own creative work?”

This ties into my open-source philosophy.

you knew there’d be a segway ;)

Open source software has been a cornerstone of my development — both technically and as a “lifelong learner”. I remember using Apache OpenOffice as an alternative to Word.

I didn’t know what was happening other than, “free software, cool”.

That simple experience planted a seed for my staunch support of the open-source philosophy.

My approach to learning has always been about questioning and exploration. I see knowledge not as a static collection of facts, but as a dynamic structure that needs the right architecture and tools to thrive. Like OS software, knowledge flourishes when it’s transparent, accessible, and constantly iterated upon.

Learning like a dolphin

Often, my learning endeavours feel like a form of echolocation. I put a question or a half-formed idea out into the world — through social media, threads and forums, or conversations with peers. The feedback I receive acts like echoes, helping me refine my understanding, identify blind spots, and carve out a clearer path for future exploration.

Open source communities embody this beautifully. I’ve sought help on countless occasions, and have been amazed by the willingness of others to share their expertise. In turn, I strive to contribute back, whether it’s by answering questions, testing out your ideas and products, or even just offering encouragement.

This cycle of sharing and collaboration fuels a self-perpetuating ecosystem of knowledge.

created in excallidraw

Content is designed to grab attention at any cost. We need to be discerning. Cultivate true vulnerability through honest engagement, not by feeling pressured to strip yourself bare.

And when it comes to creation, find inspiration by standing on the shoulders of giants, but be clear about your intentions — are you remixing to transform, or is it mere imitation?

