You Don’t Have to Have Life Figured Out by 30

So you can stop freaking out now.

Ryan J


Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

Recently I’ve been seeing a lot of posts over on Reddit from people in their late twenties and early thirties freaking out over not knowing what they want to be doing with their life and worrying because they haven’t got it ‘all figured out’ by now.

I used to be in the same boat at that age — well, kinda.

I remember when I hit the big 3-0 I would often think to myself;

‘I haven’t got a clue what I want to be doing with my life'

I had friends at that age who were so focused on the job of their dreams and knew exactly which direction they were headed.

Whereas I was not.

I had (and still have) family members who started their own businesses in their twenties, were able to quit their jobs and are now out living life on their own terms.

Whereas I was (and still am) working for an employer.

I used to worry and at times feel like a hopeless case. Like I was going nowhere in life and I’d amount to nothing.



Ryan J

From Northern Ireland 🍀 | Based in Sydney 🦘 | Writing about life, mindset and whatever else catches my attention.