You Don’t Need More Time, You Need More Focus

How prioritizing your focus can transform your life.

Teronie Donaldson
5 min readMay 6, 2024


Photo by Slim Emcee on Unsplash

Many people wear their busyness like a badge of honor, convincing themselves that a jam-packed schedule signifies importance and productivity. However, this notion of busyness often masks a lack of direction and purpose.

Instead of setting their agendas, people caught in this trap react to the demands of others, cluttering their calendars with unnecessary commitments and effectively diluting their effectiveness.

I can emphasize this as I used to be one of them, and I’m still on the journey to overcome this. My personal experience serves as a testament that change is possible.

We all share the same 24 hours daily, yet the outcomes we achieve can be drastically different.

What separates those who accomplish extraordinary feats from those who tread water? The key is focus.

A sharpened, unwavering focus can help you overcome barriers that seem impossible to most.

When I started writing and going on the entrepreneurial route, I thought I would succeed overnight, but I was wrong. It took me years to become humble enough to admit that true success is not instant; it is a steady build-up of daily improvements.

I may not be the most naturally gifted writer or entrepreneur, but my intense focus has propelled me to massive professional growth. I utilized my writing ability in my profession by writing safety briefings, company communications letters, and email correspondences for my supervisors.

I utilized my entrepreneurial muscles by creating valuable and profitable opportunities outside of work. It’s a clear testament that with concentrated effort, you can reach peaks of performance that defy societal expectations.

Claiming you’re too busy or need more hours in the day is a diversion that steers you away from achieving your dreams, leading you instead to construct realities for others. True focus is achieved by cutting out as much external demand on your time as possible, such as unnecessary meetings, excessive socializing, or even responding to every email immediately.

You must guard your time fiercely to capitalize on your hours, even if it risks displeasing others. Without this rigid control, you risk becoming a perpetual people-pleaser, caught in an endless cycle of responsiveness without meaningful progress.

Understanding the Value of Focus

Focus is the ability to direct your attention and efforts toward a specific task or goal without distraction. It is a finite resource but one that can be managed and improved with practice.

Unlike time, which moves independently of our desires, focus is something we can control. We can decide where to channel our energies, which tasks to prioritize, and how intensely we engage with our work.

The Illusion of Time Scarcity

The perception of not having enough time is often just that — an illusion.

It’s not the lack of time that’s the problem, but how we choose to use it. In reality, distractions are usually the culprits eating away at our day. Social media, emails, unnecessary meetings, and multitasking scatter our attention and make us less efficient.

We can achieve more in less time by minimizing distractions and harnessing our focus.

Scarcity is an illusion.

Strategies for Enhancing Focus

Here are some effective strategies to increase focus and make the most of the time you have:

1. Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve. Clear, achievable goals provide direction and help maintain focus on the tasks that matter most.

2. Prioritize Tasks: Use techniques like the Eisenhower Box or the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) to identify which tasks are truly important and urgent. This helps in focusing your energy on what will have the most significant impact.

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3. Create a Dedicated Workspace: Your environment can significantly influence your ability to focus. Create a clutter-free workspace that minimizes distractions and is reserved for work only. (Read the book “Willpower Doesn’t Work” by Darren Hardy)

4. Limit Multitasking: While multitasking might seem efficient, it often leads to poorer performance and increased stress. Focus on one task at a time for better quality and efficiency.

5. Use Technology Wisely: Technology can be both a distraction and a tool. Use apps that block distracting sites during work hours, or leverage productivity tools that help track and manage your tasks.

6. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness exercises can improve your ability to concentrate and remain calm under pressure. Regular practice helps train your brain to focus more deeply.

7. Take Scheduled Breaks: Short, planned breaks can help maintain consistent performance throughout a work session.

Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (a time management method that uses a timer to break work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks) encourage frequent breaks to recharge your mental energy.

The Impact of Improved Focus

Enhancing your focus can transform your work and personal life. With improved focus, you can reduce stress, achieve your goals faster, and increase your satisfaction with your work.

You become more present in the moment, enhancing the quality of your work and interactions with others. The benefits are not just professional but also personal, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Moving Forward

Remember, improving focus is a skill that requires practice and patience. Start by implementing one or two strategies and gradually build on them.

Over time, you’ll find that you don’t need more time — you just need to use the time you have more effectively. By enabling a disciplined approach to focus, you can boost your productivity and enhance your overall quality of life.

This is not just a theory but a practical approach you can start implementing today. The power to enhance your focus and transform your life is in your hands.

All the best.

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Teronie Donaldson

Student of life. I write about books, productivity, reading, and applying what I learned. I hope it helps. *Check me out *