You Don’t Need to Hurt Others to be True to Yourself

“Brutal honesty” is not good enough a reason to create misery for others

Ugur Akinci
Curated Newsletters
8 min readJul 17, 2020


Photo courtesy of Sharon McCutcheon

You probably met this type: someone who talks bluntly, curtly, and tells everything “as is” (according to him or her), and bulldozes his or her way to a predetermined conclusion no matter what.

They sometimes call this “being brutally honest.”

Such characters carry their bloody executioner’s ax like a badge of honor, no matter what kind of wreckage they leave behind.

Make sure you’re not weaponizing your truth in the name of high morality.

My Mother’s Cheating Friend

Here is a true story from my late mother that left its imprint on me.

Once upon a time, we had a close family friend who was married but carrying out an affair on the side. Since the couple was close to our family, both the husband and the wife were my mother's intimate pals.

One day, the wife confronted my mother with the deadly question: “Is my husband having an affair?”

She added: “Because if he is, I’ll kill him even if I rot in prison for it.”



Ugur Akinci
Curated Newsletters

Award-winning Fortune 100 writer. Father. Husband. Brother. Friend. Still learning.