Mythology | Religion | Writing | Open Letter | Super Power

You Have A New Message From God!

A notification in my mailbox read so and left me wondering — is that true and is that you — Lord Shiva?

Geetika Sethi
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2021


Credits — Screenshot of Geetika Sethi’s email

Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God… dancing away, I yelled to myself in joyful surprise, “ The good God, the kind-hearted Lord Shiva wants to connect with me.”

With a heart full of excitement, I clicked it open — the very first line of the message that read — “ Today Geetika, we believe God wants you to know…”

And that was the end of a long-awaited wait!

Today Geetika, God wants you to know that whatever fills your heart with gladness is a good thing. Let it forever be filled. Let yourself forever be filled by opening up to the joy and beauty of the world.

Always be happy! Keep spreading smiles, laughter and happiness.

And at all times remember that I am there for you. Whether you need me or even if you don’t, I shall always protect you. Each time you call out my name, I shall answer you.

I thought to myself, maybe what his followers say is true as my letter too got answered. But then, on second thought- it was just a…



Geetika Sethi

I believe in leaving a bit of sparkle everywhere I go. ✨Wife to 1, Mom to 3 and a Holistic Health Coach. Authoring books on Poetry, Quotes and Short Stories.