You Have Bedroom Eyes

What Does That Mean?

John O'Neill
2 min readJun 26, 2020


Image by Ferenc Keresi from Pixabay

I’m truly looking for help understanding what is meant by “bedroom eyes”. Those words have haunted me ever since a woman looking into my eyes many years ago said, “You have bedroom eyes”. Then another woman fifteen years later uttered those same words to me. Now I do notice other people’s eyes. I understand the attraction that they can have. I’ll even admit to on more than one occasion having been mesmerized by the beautiful eyes of women I have met over the years. And if those eyes twinkle with delight and there is a smile to match, “be still my heart”.

But back to my specific topic for today, bedroom eyes. Does it mean eyes that match the color of her bedroom. Or is it simply a statement that my eyes belong in a bedroom. And if so, whose bedroom?

On those occasions when these words were spoken to me, what should have been my response? I’m usually never at a loss for words, even if it is talking about a topic about which I know very little. My actual response on the two occasions in question? No witty repartee, instead merely a dumbfounded look and silence on my part. Certainly the circumstances surrounding each of the events contributed to my reaction.

The first time those words were voiced to me was by a nurse. I was a seminarian assigned as part of my training as an orderly to a hospital. The nurse was in charge of the ward where I worked. Maybe my being “off-limits” made her feel emboldened to talk about my eyes?

The second time was even more surprising. It was a woman hired by me to be a consultant for the non-profit agency for which I was the Executive Director. She had been married, had a son, but was now divorced. She was also “out” as a gay woman. Why did she make a connection between my eyes and bedrooms?

If the women in question were somehow hitting on me, they swung and missed. When it comes to women, I have always been clueless. I never had the self confidence to believe they really might be interested in me. Please hit me over the head with whatever message you hope to convey. Otherwise, your effort will be wasted on me.

I guess I’ll never know what having “bedroom eyes” really means.



John O'Neill

Retired human services executive, living in Massachusetts near Boston, trying to be a better human being each day than the day before.