You have to Change your Thoughts if you want to succeed

See yourself successful, and walk into it

Lawson Wallace


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I finished reading Medium articles for the day, I log off my laptop and lean back and think about what I read. It’s as if Fate or God has caused me to notice a recurring theme.

Don’t believe it, believe in yourself

I have been conditioned all my life, to believe that I was slow, dumb, and somehow less than I should be. I let the words and actions of other people taint my self-belief.

Since I began writing on Medium, I have noticed a subtle change in my thinking. I’m sure my reading the Bible more has helped as well.

I write with more confidence now. I write and share things now that I wouldn’t have shared two years ago. I’m writing more, and my readership is growing.

I write, therefore I’m a writer

I no longer think of myself as “ an aspiring writer,” I write and publish words, thus I’m a writer. It has nothing to do with how much I make a month, or how many followers I have.

I believe in myself, and my abilities as a writer, and I know that I have a lot of help. A supportive group of writers and Editors on Medium. Dr. Yildiz and the other writers and editors…



Lawson Wallace

64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.