Source: iStock Photo by Kateryna Artsybasheva

You Have to Delete These Words If You Truly Want to Be More Productive

T. A. Adam


Some gurus are lying to you

Enough is enough!

Self-help content is becoming the most wanted niche ever on planet Earth; everyone wants to improve. Grow. Earn. And live a happy life they love.

Some gurus out there realize this and then they immediately made it a commodity to draw your hard-earned money to their wide-hungry pockets. Not funny. Not joking.

Seeing that the market is evolving, some other gurus decided to fly into it. Speak. Teach. Earn. Get more money. Drive limo and fly the world.

Because that’s what you love to see, so they use it as a magnetic force to draw your attention through the things you are highly interested in. That’s it.

Wait let me show you something:

Remember that famous guru’s saying? “Do more than your competitors” or lose sleep for days in a row, cut off your friends or even spouse.... hmmm. Dream.

Now, back to the topic, the market is increasing and they’re generating huge revenue every year. Seeing that, a guru would love to add something that’s “more than” what his competitors did yo earn more than they earn.

Then what will happen? The guru would add more magnetic words in their book or video to make you click or buy. Why? Getting more money, right? He may pass his competitors, of course. Because he had done “more than they did”.

To be honest, reading self-help content is sweeeeeet! I love it. Just like you.

But how many books have you read now? How many videos have you watched now? Plenty of them. Yes, I’m sure.

But does that means you’d dramatically wake up and see your life change? Never! Impossible, my friend!

The change is in you. You reading this right now. If you don’t change, nothing’s going to change. That’s the truth.

Now, back to the guru: if the words are not getting them money, what do you think will happen then? He too will definitely use more magnetic words than that competitor who had passed him.

That’s where overambitious, incredible words comes in. Words that promise you things that may not even be real. Out of senses.

They may promise to help change your life in few months or even make you a billionaire in few months. But what happens at the end? Ummmm? What?!

I read a book “How to Become a Billionaire” later when I investigated, the author even gain his first million dollars after publishing the book. Still not even close to 12M. Teaching you how to become a billionaire. Not only one. Several of them.

That’s why you’ve been deceived by those over-promising words.

Made by the writer

Here are some few you should take note of:

1. Hack

Hack is usually done behind the 'Dark Web’ with a monster-like black suit.

And if you want to push yourself into darkness, believe in all those hacks. Should I tell you the truth, buddy?

There are no hacks, it’s just execution — wait.... think about this critically:

If someone hack a system or a bank, how do they behave? Do they really live a happy life?

Definitely NOOOOO.

Always scared of FBI, NYPD, CIA. They’re in panic of being cut.

If you truly want to see the 'change’ you want, accept the challenge and cut off those people promising you ‘hacks’. And cut off the entire word from your life.

Hack your life today, tomorrow it’ll hack back when you’ve forgotten.

2. Shortcut

99% people want to follow an easy path.

Stop looking for shortcut. There’s no shortcut to success in anything. If there is, it would have already been taken by others hundreds of years ago.

Shortcuts are weakening your willpower and determination to strive.

Made by the writer



T. A. Adam

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