You Know What’s Dangerous? When the Universe Picks You

“This Is the World. Look and Learn.”

Sava Andrei Marian 👑


Photo by Xavier Greenidge on Unsplash

We all view life differently, my friend.

Growing up, we’re taught to see life in a certain way — a blueprint handed down through generations, an assumption of reality. It’s like being handed a pair of ordinary glasses and told, “This is the world. Look and learn.”

Then, a certain day, the Universe knocks on your door. It gives you a new pair of glasses.

You call them the magic glasses. At first, you’re reluctant. After all, change is often intimidating. But you muster courage, remove the old lenses, and adorn these magical spectacles. And the world shifts.

No longer do you see what you’re ‘supposed’ to see. You see the world as it is, raw and real, without sugar-coated illusions. An existential revelation that is at once awe-inspiring and terrifying. Like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, you’re enlightened but can’t help feeling a bit out of place.

Remember Plato’s allegory of the cave? How did prisoners mistook shadows for reality until one was freed and saw the world outside the cave?

Well, you are that freed prisoner, my friend. With the magic glasses, you’ve seen the sun, and now the cave feels just too… cavey.



Sava Andrei Marian 👑

“Do not think that I came to bring Peace on earth. I did not come to bring Peace, but a sword." - Matthew 10:34-39