You Look Stupid When You Do This In Your Writing

Nidhi Patel
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2020
Big words makes you look stupid
Photo by Kat Stokes on Unsplash

Most people believe that fancy vocabulary helps to increase the quality of writing

Good writing is not about using the biggest and cleverest words you can think of. It's about using language to communicate your idea clearly and easily. Which means choosing simple, short and easily digestible words

Some writers use an academic tone out of habit or try to impress readers with their showy vocabulary. There is a misconceived notion that you sound smarter or more professional when you use big words

But Research proves that you look stupid when you use big words needlessly in your writing

Research from Princeton University shows that using long words can make you seem less intelligent than those who stick with the basic vocabulary. Participants in the study were shown samples of essays with varying levels of linguistic complexity and asked them to give rate to the intelligence of the authors. They rated the intelligence of authors who wrote essays in simpler language as higher than those who write more complex

Use your vocabulary as a tool to communicate your idea easily and effectively, not to show off

Use overcomplicated language and readers will soon lose interest in what you have to communicate. Write in a way that the reader can best understand

Even Highly educated readers want clear, concise information devoid of unnecessary jargon and complex terms

Simple language is for everyone, from expert readers to international audiences and people who use English as a second language. If your writing is meant to appear to an international audience, simple language is even more crucial.

It removes barriers between you and your readers

Big words not only affect you as a writer but it hurts your business as well

Just imagine how hard that would be for your business to stand out if people don’t understand what you do, what you sell, how your product or service helps them to make their lives easier. People don’t buy what they don’t understand

So not only big words make you look stupid but it also takes the money you rightfully deserve out of your business

The organization with a clear and simple writing style is perceived to process greater transparency and credibility than companies that don’t. It sets your organization apart from the competition, resulting in increased conversation and loyalty

But the question is how you can write that readers can best understand and you as a writer doesn’t look stupid

Just a few helpful techniques

Know your Audience:

Identify your target audience before you write. The more you know your audience, the better you can craft your writing that match their needs and expectations

Choose words that your audience are familiar with:

Use words that are simple and familiar to your audience instead of using fancy or complicated words that confuse them. Add those words that more likely to use by them. Not only is there a higher chance that readers will know these words, but they will comprehend them faster than other less frequently used words

Use shorter sentences and paragraph:

If you can convey your idea in fewer words, do it. Omit unnecessary words that add little value to your writing. Keep paragraph length to three or four lines. Shorter sentences and paragraph are easier to read and comprehend

Break up text into digestible chunk:

Avoid presenting your writing as a massive wall of text. Use the informative headline and sub-headline, bulleted list to simplify the complex idea, Highlight important keyword and phrase. It helps your readers to scan your writing quickly and access areas most relevant to them

Ask yourself if there is a simpler word or phrase you can use instead of:

when you write, Ask your self if there is any simple or easily digestible word or phrase that I can use? If the answer is yes, use that word instead of

Quality writing certainly doesn't demand the cleverest and expensive words. Don’t try to impress your readers with expensive vocabulary, that they need a dictionary in hand to understand what you have to say

Readers want easy to read content that allows them to get the essence of the message efficiently. But if they feel exhausted while reading, something needs to change. Reading should happen as a conversation between you and your readers

Your readers will always appreciate being direct and plainspoken

Remember No one has never complained that a text was to easy to understand



Nidhi Patel

👩just a girl chasing her dreams. Sharing life lessons✨ and experiences💛