This is for those who are struggling in an abusive relationship and can’t stop questioning whether you’re right or wrong. STOP. You’re right, they don’t love you.

Mina Ali


Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

You,.. degrading her, that’s not love.

You,.. reminding her of all her weaknesses and flaws everyday, instead of being supportive, — that’s not love.


You,.. belittling all her insecurities and worries that has been on her mind forever, that’s not love.

You,.. laughing at those things that made her cried so bad, that’s not love.


You,.. being there only when it suits you and your needs,that’s not love — that’s you being selfish.

You,.. looking down on her for every achievements she made, comparing her to some unknown cute girl you follow on Instagram — because you know it would make her cry while thinking “why am never I good enough?”. That’s not love.


You,.. constantly gaslighting her everyday just to make her question her thoughts on the reality of you not being faithful to her, when she is confidently sure you’re not— that’s not love!

