You made me happiest just by …..

Reva nitin
Published in
May 25, 2022
Photo by <a href=”">Nathan Dumlao</a> on <a href=”">Unsplash</a>

You made me happiest person on this planet earth

Just by the way you look

With those shiny little bright eyes, you have

The way you smile

With that cute face you have

The way you hold my hand

In those warm hands you have

The way you give me butterflies

Just by a stare your eyes have

The way you make my heart flutter

With those small words your beautiful head have

You made me happiest person on this planet earth

Just by giving that magical heart you have

You made me happiest person on this planet earth…..



Reva nitin

Hey there,I’m Reva currently studying having whole lot of interest in art,architecture,books,lifestyle and many more here to share my stories with you do follow