You Matter: Unlocking the Transformational Force of Human Significance

Linda Cliatt-Wayman: How She Changed Lives by Making People Feel Important

John R. Miles


Picture of a young girl with a yellow ribbon in her hair who understand the power of mattering
Photo by Xuan Nguyen on Unsplash

I want you to imagine a world where you move through life unnoticed, where your presence goes unacknowledged, and your experiences go unnoticed and unappreciated. You find yourself isolated, with no one seeking your advice, offering emotional support, or valuing your opinions. In essence, you become invisible, leaving no lasting impact on the lives of those around you. This pervasive sense of loneliness permeates even in the company of family, at your workplace, or within your community.

Now, let’s cast aside this unsettling image and focus on a different reality — one where you are deeply connected to people in meaningful ways. They not only recognize your presence but celebrate your achievements, offer a listening ear when you face challenges, and provide constructive criticism when needed. You’ve earned their trust in important matters, and your actions have brought about positive changes in their lives. In simple terms, you matter.

Which of these two scenarios would you prefer? Undoubtedly, the latter, where you matter to everyone around you, holds greater appeal. This inherent need to matter is a fundamental aspect of our human existence.



John R. Miles

Award-winning author, Speaker, and Host of the #1 Passion Struck podcast. My mission is to guide you in becoming your best self. More at