Take a Happy Pill with Larry the Cat

Hint: This Royal Cat is a Twitter Star

MarkfromBoston 🌻Ukraine


Move over JayZ and Beyonce. This cat has half a million followers on Twitter.

Let me introduce you to the celebrity that really could save our planet. His name is Larry and he is the Chief Mouser cat who protects the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

In the frustratingly controversial world of social media — where everybody seems to hate everybody — Larry the Cat brings love. He appeals to a time of fun, humor, and a simpler world.

Larry is 14 years old and just has something cool to say on Twitter every day.

He does just not have street cred. Larry has official royal cred.

According to Brendan Keefe at NBC: “The cat at 10 Downing Street is not a pet. Since 2011, Larry has been Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office, now an official position in Her Majesty’s government.”

On a typical day, Larry tweets up to 100 times. And his hilarious comments are retweeted tens of times more by his throng of admirers.

Picture Credit: Wikimedia Commons. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/Larry_the_Cat_%28cropped%29.jpg

Larry is just not just another silent, non-political public servant.

He regularly and sarcastically tweets out his opinions on the actions of Prime Minister Boris Johnson — his boss.



MarkfromBoston 🌻Ukraine

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