You Mean So Much To Me

You are probably only one of about twenty-five

Jennifer Friebely


If you see this article, you are one of the average twenty-five views that Medium has chosen to distribute each of my articles. If you read it, then you’ve made a difference because you make up a considerable percentage of my audience. Please do not misconstrue what I am saying as begging for claps or anything of the sort. I am merely pointing out facts.

My readers are a small group.

Seriously. You are one of the rare people that Medium has chosen to share my writing with, and I have nearly 1K followers. Just look at the image below.

As a writer, I am shocked when I see numbers like this. I wonder how my views could be so low. A few months ago, a typical article was in the triple digits in views after about a week. I am in publications with tens of thousands of readers. Even my “Medium curated,” or as it is now known, “chosen for further distribution” articles don’t get as many views as they used to.

Screenshot by author taken on 2/4/21 at 5:32pm ET (New York)

Look at the bizarre one.

