You must do it to avoid a heart attack after Covid. That goes for everyone!

Open letter to a young healthy man who walks 10k steps a day

Sergi Slavich (old page)
4 min readMar 22, 2022


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A few months ago I came across an article about a man in his 30s plus, presumably American. He was talking about how he had had a myocardial infarction due to a blood clot in his heart. Thank God, one of his relatives was with him and it saved his life.

Disclamer! This article provides general health information and should not be taken as medical advice. Be sure to consult with your physician!

Of course, we have to pay tribute to the medical and nursing staff. Can you imagine what we would do without doctors and nurses?

They took a big clot out of his heart!!

by Vector8DIY on

It’s not even the young age of the victim that’s embarrassing in this story. He claimed that he led a healthy lifestyle, had no bad habits, was physically active, for example, walked 10,000 to 15,000 steps a day (I don’t remember the exact number of steps).

He was genuinely surprised, how could this happen to him? A healthy lifestyle, still young enough, and a heart attack from a blood clot in the heart.

Where’s the connection?

We’ll come back to this man’s story in a moment, but let me first tell you about another case. I recently read a tweet from another man. He’s passionate about cycling.

by mohamed_hassan on

He wrote that he rode a long-distance and felt very dehydrated.

Dehydration has nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle! Especially in Covid’s current time.

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water” — W.H.Auden

As the main hero of our story claimed, he walked about 10 000 or 15,000 steps each day, which is quite a lot, especially if he was moving at a fast pace. In this case, he needed to drink a lot more water than a normal person who is not very active!

I want to note that the liquid should not contain any dehydrating components, including caffeine. Unfortunately, he didn’t specify in his history whether he had had Covid, and for how long. This is a very important point!

What do doctors and scientists say about it?

Medical experts claim that unvaccinated people who have had Covid are up to 10 times more likely to develop blood clots than vaccinated people. Also, vaccination greatly reduces hospitalizations and mortality rates.

As shown in a study by Singapore scientists, led by Prof Cheung, even young people who have recovered from Covid recently have a significantly increased risk of blood clots in the blood vessels. Increased thrombosis risk is a result of increased activation of pro-inflammatory proteins and their damage to vascular walls.

But back to dehydration. Doctors state that dehydration not only increases the risk of thrombosis, but it is “an independent predictor of short- and long-term adverse functional outcome in patients with cerebral venous thrombosis!

This suggests that both recent history of Covid and dehydration are two factors that increase the risk of thrombosis. Therefore, especially now, adequate hydration is essential to reduce the risk of blood clots.

This is especially true for people living in hot climates, athletes, and those who work a lot physically or move a lot like our hero of the story. This is a warning to all of us, tell your loved ones about it, stay healthy!

I’m going to drink some water now!

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