You Only Need A Fine Pair Of Running Shoes To Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

Dr. Bahadur, PT
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2023
Photo by Photo by Chander R from Unsplash

In the early days of med school, the craze of fitness was all over me. I took the subscription to a gym and started jogging in the morning in a park near my apartment.

The track of the park was about 500 meters long. I started with two laps around the track. I didn’t pay special attention to the footwear and used my regular joggers.

It all started on the day 3

On the third day, during the second lap, I felt a needle-like spark of pain in the bottom of my right foot. I sat on a bench nearby, thinking it was just a cramp or a muscle pull. I stretched my legs and feet a bit and started jogging again. I felt it again. I stopped and thought that was enough for the day.
I went to my apartment, got fresh, and left for classes. Throughout that day, I felt mild, aching pain in my right foot, but I thought it would go away on its own. I went to bed at 11, my routine bedtime.

The next morning

It all got my attention when I woke up the next morning. I got out of bed, put my feet on the floor, and there it was. My right foot was massively swollen from below the ankle.

At first, I got afraid, but I slowly started putting weight on the right foot. It was painful but bearable. Somehow, I stood up and took a few steps.

As my medical journey just started, I had no idea what happened. I informed my class representative that I wouldn’t take classes that day and explained everything.

My OMT (Orthopedic manual therapy) teacher

I went to the hospital and consulted with the orthopedic surgeon. He explained the condition and referred me to a physical therapist. I went to the physical therapy department and met with a physical therapist practicing there, who turned out to be my OMT teacher in my final year of DPT.

He thoroughly assessed me and diagnosed me with plantar fasciitis. He advised rest, icing, and a few exercises that I now prescribe to my patients.

During the session, he discussed the importance of special footwear for jogging and running. He said if the foundation of the building is not given enough thought, tiny turbulence can make it unstable.

From that session till today, I always pay special attention to my footwear and choose the best available at an economical price.

What to look for while buying the right running shoes

A blog post by Zachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCS, magnificently explains that the only thing worth considering while choosing a pair of running shoes is to look for how comfortable the shoes are.

Give it a read. It is worth it.

You don’t need to learn and understand a buttload of jargon to find a perfect piece of shoes.

Next time you buy a pair of running shoes, go for feel and comfort rather than focusing on motion control, stability, pronation, or other things.

Don’t forget to try out as many shoes as you can while purchasing to be sure you buy the right one.

Stay blessed!

Thanks for reading



Dr. Bahadur, PT

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