You Think Girls Are Dramatic? Wait Until You Meet A Man When He’s Ill!

Nagwan Lashin
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2023
Image edited by author with text added

Okay, ladies, let’s spill some tea! We’ve all had our fair share of encounters with men when they’re feeling a bit under the weather, and let me tell you, it’s like stepping into a whole new world of drama!.

As a woman who has been surrounded by a big family of men and friends, I just can’t resist sharing the hilarious tales and antics that unfold when our dear menfolk catch a cold or get a case of the sniffles.

The Legendary “Man Flu” Saga:

Man Flu : (noun)

An illness that causes the male to be helpless and sicker than other any family member

In females: A cold.

Imagine this: A man catches a simple cold, and suddenly it’s as if he’s fighting off the apocalypse. Every cough or sneeze becomes a full-blown theatrical performance, complete with dramatic groans and declarations of their impending doom.

Meanwhile, we ladies soldier on quietly, taking care of business, even when we’re on our period or dealing with achy joints.

We cook for the family, go to work, clean the house, do the laundry, put the kids to bed, and still manage to take care of the man in question.

Attention, Please!

Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but when us ladies feel a bit under the weather, we tend to power through quietly. But when it comes to our male counterparts, they transform into attention-seeking machines. Suddenly, they crave constant reassurance, cuddles, and a little extra pampering.

Our social media feeds become a battlefield of posts detailing their symptoms, seeking sympathy, and virtual hugs from anyone who will listen.

And yet, they accuse us of being the attention queens… oh, the irony!

The Selective Patient:

Oh, the pickiness knows no bounds! When Mr. Sicky McSickerson falls ill, he develops the most peculiar aversions to certain foods or medications. Suddenly, he becomes the fussiest patient you’ve ever seen, with ever-changing tastes and unpredictable cravings.

One moment, he loves chicken soup, and the next, he declares it tastes like something from another planet.

Excuse me, but that sounds more like a feeling I get when I’m pregnant… let’s not go there, shall we?

cc: pexels :

The Eternal Rest Champion:

Ladies, forget about maintaining a regular sleep schedule when a man falls ill. They become the undisputed champions of napping. It’s as if they’ve discovered a newfound love for their beds and blankets.

They’ll doze off at any given moment, claiming they need an excessive amount of rest to fight off their imaginary life-threatening ailment.

We can’t help but roll our eyes and share memes about their “marathon nap sessions” on social media. But hey, who are we to deny them the beauty of beauty sleep, right?

The Silent Sufferer:

While some men may whine and complain about their suffering, others take the “strong, silent” approach.

They endure their sickness without uttering a peep, refusing to admit just how sick they actually are.

This leads to heated debates about the differences in attitudes between men and women when it comes to illness. You can’t help but wonder, why all the secrecy, guys? We’re here to support you, you know!

The DIY Doctor:

Move over, Dr. House! When men get sick, they transform into self-proclaimed medical experts. Armed with questionable remedies and unconventional treatments, they’re willing to try anything.

Internet articles become a treasure trove of amusing stories about their home remedies, ranging from strange concoctions to downright bizarre rituals.

Who needs medical advice when you have a man with his DIY healthcare solutions, right? Let’s just hope they don’t end up causing more harm than good!

The Over-the-Top Recovery:

As their health begins to improve, men tend to make a grand show of their recovery. They announce to the world that they’ve conquered Mount Everest, even if it was just a mild flu.

Social media platforms become flooded with posts celebrating their triumphant return to wellness. We can’t help but join in on the fun, sharing our own stories of witnessing these exaggerated recoveries.

It’s all part of the charm of being around men and their dramatic illnesses!

While it may be amusing and sometimes a tad frustrating, we can’t help but love them for their unique quirks.

So, the next time you find yourself face-to-face with a sick man, remember that it’s all part of the fun and charm of being around them.

Here’s to the hilarious world of men and their dramatic illnesses!




Nagwan Lashin

Muslim, Woman, Chief Chaos Commander of one Husband and two Kids. I write about religion, parenting, life, business and all the hilarious moments in between.