You, Will, Be Ahead of 90% Of The Writer’s Population If You Do This.

The business of writing is not just about writing.

Aldric Chen


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Even if you have the best-in-class product in your garage, you have to promote it. Otherwise, it stays in the garage.

Hey, I get it. The best way to promote our writing is to write exceptionally well. When we can attract the audience through our stories, the audience base feed on itself.

One point to note. That is not the first step. Before any audience can read our beautifully written and painstakingly polished work, the reader population needs to realize our existence.

This is especially true when we are just starting out. Let us put our feet on the ground. No one starts off as a writer with thousands of fans and followers. We build our fan base.

And I see this as the missing leg for many new writers. When I say new, I refer to the business of writing and not the actual writing itself.

Hone your writing, get better, write more, and then do what 90% of the writer’s population do not.

Promote your work.

I Am An Introvert. I Want My Writing To Promote Itself.



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.