You Will Find Your Purpose In Life Here.

Abril Gouveia
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2024
Photo by Sergi Kabrera on Unsplash

I don’t know why or how but, at least, in my surroundings there are a lot of people who are constantly telling me:
“I want to die”
Maybe they don’t mean to say it… or perhaps they do, or maybe after years of saying it they start to believe it themselves (we know how affirmations work), but I want to understand why. In the past, people would die to save their families, their town, and their religion, it was like an honor, but even if they did so, before that moment, they would fight, they would have tried to do their best, to make their families proud of themselves, or even to be proud of themselves. Perhaps the idea of becoming a “hero”, which may not make sense, but I think that in some way we were made to be heroes, all of us. Because, think, the probability of you being born is…(let me search it on Google)

Okay, I’ve found it.

The probability is one in 400 trillion.

Okay but that just to be born, to live a second, but until now?!!?!??
I don’t know how old you are but I can imagine that you’re not under 10, at least, just with living ten years, you have already lived around 3660 days, nights, and all the hours, minutes, and seconds that it includes, you know the probability of living that? because you might just die after 10 seconds you have born, but you have lived it all this for what? instead of being grateful because you are still alive and we don’t know until when, you are complaining because you don’t have that pair of shoes, because that friend told you a lie and,… so what? will you be stuck your whole life because of… nothing?

You know uhmm Tiktok, well, a few months ago, I saw a random video that had a phrase on it, and it said:
“If you lost 1.000 dollars, but you still have 99.000, will you throw the rest?”
I think all of us would say no.
Then, why do 10 seconds have to ruin 86.400? (a day)
Well, for some people it may ruin even more time, getting to waste the rest of their lives.

Does not make sense, you know? I think if you are here, is because you have a purpose in life, something you want to do, some dream you want to chase, experiences you want to enjoy, but why are you avoiding it? Sometimes I hear people who talk about how millionaire they want to be but complain because they weren’t born like that, or well, they just complain about everything but, if any person in this world succeeds is because they tried, they are not smarter than you, prettier than you or whatever, they just woke up one day and started to work (and still do), to work hard for their own dreams, knowing they could fail, but if you know them right now is because they didn’t. They weren’t born “lucky” they just survived for a long time, they’ve been working with discipline and perseverance, and were born because something or someone knew that that person had the potential of doing it, of being their own hero.

If you are here is because you can do it, you have it, you have everything that a person could ever need to be here and now. We are all the same, but the thing that makes the difference between us is our choices, our choice to complain and keep crying the whole day because we don’t have what we want because “oBvIoUsLy” it falls from the sky, as it has happened to the other people who had succeeded or…

Wake up.

Wake up from your bed, care about yourself, care about others, and try, try to make it, try something, you know that if you have the potential you’ll have thousands of opportunities so just try this out, just to see if it works, because if it works… well, you can imagine it by yourself…

Do not think that it won’t work, because, you know what? if you are here is because something wants you to be here, because you are strong enough and if you want something, anything nor anyone will stop you from getting it, even if it’s hard, even if you fail thousands of times, you won’t leave the earth without doing it.

And it doesn’t have to be an enormous success, maybe just going out with your friends and having a good time is a success too, big achievements are fine, they feel good, but the main ones and the most cared ones stay in our hearts, with each effort each day, with each memory. After you have achieved your goal, your big one, you will just remember, all those beautiful things you did, that job you enjoyed, your friends and family who always supported you, at any time, in any situation, and you will thank yourself for having waking up from your bed and cared more about yourself rather than other peoples achievements.



Abril Gouveia
Writer for

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