You won’t Become a Boss Until You Know This!

Arnav Says
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2022
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

If you are trying to become an Entrepreneur. You hate your job and wanted to follow your passion. If you are trying to become a boss of your own, then this story is for you.

I am telling you this from my own experience. I was also like this. I used to think that jobs are not for me. I am not here for these 9–5 work. I am just going to follow my passion. I don’t want to follow someone else instructions and kill my creativity. In short, I wanted to become my own “BOSS”.

But today, I think, that mentality was the only reason behind my failure at that time.

I was so much lost that I could not figure out where to go. After seeing so many failures in my journey constantly, I started to think that maybe I was not made for this.

Then I went to my mentor and asked him what to do. He gave me a piece of life-changing advice, which is what I am sharing with you today.

He just told me one line, “If you want to become a BOSS, then first learn to become your own EMPLOYEE”!

I just sat silent after listening to this one line. This one line cleared my whole dilemma towards my decision. You also think of this line once and see what you can learn from this.

Now, I am going to tell you about my learning from this advice.

The advice of my mentor made me remind my flaws. During that time, I used to postpone my work too much. I still remember that at that time, it took me almost 25 days to write a short essay of 300 words and submit it to an academic writing website.

But after that advice, I started finding out what things I need to know as an employee that my mentor suggested.

Finally, I found this one thing that I learned from an employee, But this one thing changed my approach to work -

Photo by Dinielle De Veyra:

Work With a Deadline or Urgency -

As in an office, our boss sets the deadline for the work and if not completed our job would be at risk, same ways I started to tell myself as a Boss, that You need to complete this work till this deadline. Then I begin to work as an employee and if not completed my business would be at risk.

Try to set your own deadline as a boss, and start to work as an employee.

If you start to do this honestly, believe me, those dream days would not be far away.



Arnav Says

I am a Motivational Story Writer. Through Medium I am sharing stories that motivates me and will also motivate you. These stories will give you life long wisdom