You’ll Never Guess How This SEO Expert’s Career Skyrocketed in 2024 (Hint: It’s Not What You Think!

Enoch Olalusi
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2024
Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

5 things.

That’s my magic number.

I need at least 5 different business aspects to focus on daily.

That’s how I feel accomplished.

Some people hyper-focus one thing and that’s amazing.

But I get bored really really really quick.

Which has forced me to create better and better SOPs for my team.

SOP = standard operating procedure.

I become obsessed over something and try to master it.

That’s been my MO forever.

When I’ve reached some level of completion to that hopeful mastery then I get bored.

And I think this is an advantage for business.

Because when boredom hits, I enable my team to do the task which allows me to replicate my time. is a perfect example.

This website was the testing ground for ChatGPT since March of 2023 (almost 13 months ago).

And some things worked, and other things didn’t.

And now with Autoblogging, it’s basically on autopilot.

I might give the website 15 minutes of consideration each day.

The website should receive 40,000–50,000 visitors this month and we are poised to continue growth.

Here’s a recent AHREFs chart of the organic traffic alone.

Keep in mind, this website is only a DR25 — so it’s not terribly powerful from a backlink perspective.

Image by Author

Check Out My blog:

I’ll give you the exact things I’m doing right now for

It includes my exact SOPs, all of it.

It includes building out websites from scratch.

You’ll be able to do exactly what I’m doing after watching the course.

Stay tuned for that.

Also, I mentioned that I typically have ~5 different things I work on daily to stay sane.

Here’s what’s going on in my world:

  1. SEO agency — local + global businesses hire my firm to increase conversions + traffic. If you want a quote, reach out
  2. YouTube — hoping to get back to 2 videos per week
  3. Personal Niche Websites — experimenting with websites to see what works
  4. Rank and Rent Websites — currently have 2 built and one has received a legit lead despite the website being only 1 month old — the goal is 45 websites
  5. Social Media Traffic — Facebook is interesting, currently at ~5,000 followers on a page that is generating 50 clicks/day to the website. Pinterest is tougher for me — still trying to figure out how to generate consistent traffic (maybe it’s the long game?). I dislike all social media because of the variance in UI — so I’m creating SOPs and handing this all off ASAP.
  6. SaaS — Created Hustle Strikers last year, creating a new SaaS this year for scraping top SERPs results and extracting SEO elements for on-page SEO, and I’m joining a very powerful software company as minority partner (the blog is the best I’ve seen at teaching and acquiring good backlinks).
  7. SEO Mastermind Cohort — I host, alongside Tony Hill, a private group of SEOs that are tenured (message me if interested in joining).

If any of these interests you, let me know — through the comment or Join My Forum



Enoch Olalusi

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