You’ll Realize How Much you’ve Learned This Year Once you Put Everything into Perspective

The pandemic was a necessary wake-up call

Ryan Porter


Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

Is anyone else tired of living through major historical events?

First a Pandemic and now a record-setting presidential election. It’s all too much to comprehend. I’m waiting for a late-night talk show host to create a 2020 montage that reminds us of everything we’ve dealt with this year.

John Oliver did something similar in 2016. If only he would’ve known how things would turn out four years later.

“Joe Biden has won the 2020 Presidential Election by a landslide,” is what I thought I’d hear a few weeks ago.

Instead, much like the rest of 2020, we were left waiting for some good news.

In a year that has been entirely unpredictable, we finally have something to celebrate. However, it’s not time to pop the champagne yet. We still have work to do. We need to keep ourselves accountable.

We need to spread positivity.

Before we move into what seems like the end of the tunnel, it’s important to put this year into perspective and learn from it.

The beginning was just the beginning



Ryan Porter

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