Your Content Needs To Be S.E.X.Y.

Kiraa Wells
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2023
Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

You’re SEXY right?

Of course you are.

So why isn’t your content SEXY too?

You’re missing out on a massive opportunity to build authority and turn followers into fans!

Ready to get your content looking good in a bikini?

Let’s get started!

How do you make your content SEXY?

By using this method:

S — Shareable

E — Exciting

X — Xperience

Y — Your take

Here’s how:

  1. Shareable

Interesting content is great. It gets people reading.

But wouldn’t you rather have them read your content and then share it too?

This is why shareable content is king.

People won’t just share anything, even if you ask them too.

From what I’ve noticed, valuable content gets shared the most.

But it also needs to be a good mix of:

  • helpful
  • interesting
  • easy to read.

So when you’re creating content, ask yourself, would you share this on your feed?

If yes, then it’s more likely to get boosted.

If not, go back to the drawing board and make it more valuable.

Valuable content is shareable content.

So, focus on making your content shareable!

🔸Action steps:

  • Make it as easy to read and follow as possible
  • - Adding action steps for people to complete
  • - Give ways to improve their content

2. Exciting

If your content doesn’t excite people, they’re not going to read it.

If they won’t read it, they’re certainly not going to share it.

It’s not sexy!

Your content needs to make people say ‘Wow this is awesome!’

The best way to do this is to make it something new.

Repeating something you’ve seen before won’t cut it.

Fresh and new ideas make for exciting content.

Even using a layout that people haven’t seen before makes it exciting.

New frameworks, methods and plans are exciting.

Anything that is new stands out.

It’s why people post things about crocs, pineapple on pizza or shaved dudes.

It gets attention.

So make your content exciting!

🔸Action steps:

  • Give your reader something to say ‘wow’ about
  • Share tips that people haven’t seen before
  • -Think of ways to share fresh content

3. Experience

Your experience makes you unique.

Your experience can make your content unique too.

To make your content sexy, share your experience in it.

By adding your experience into the content, you show how you used the tips/advice to help yourself in your own life.

No matter what the topic is, your experience with it makes it stand out.

It makes it more powerful by showing real world results that the reader can get from implementing your advice.

This is hugely important but it’s something that not enough people do.

You can scream ‘do this’ until you’re blue in the face but without a way to see how effective it is, people have no idea if it’s really useful.

For example I try to include my experience in as much of my content as possible.

When I do that I get around 50% more engagement than when I generic content.

🔸Action steps:

  • Write down experiences from your life
  • Write a long form tweet about one of the stories
  • Share advice that you’ve used in your life
  • Include how it’s helped you

4. Your take

A generic topic is like plain bread, it’s boring.

Your take on a topic is like garlic bread, it’s delicious.

Delicious and sexy.

Humans relate to other humans, not ideas.

We want to see what the topic is, and how you feel about it.

We want to hear your take on it.

We may not agree with it, but it’s still much more interesting than the topic alone.

So share your thoughts.

Take a stand.

Not everyone will agree with you, but that’s the beauty of it, we can disagree.

That’s how humans work.

We like the ability to choose.

So take a stand and give us your take on an idea.

It’s sexy.

🔸Action steps:

  • When you discuss a topic, share your thoughts on it
  • Don’t say things like ‘you may disagree’, stand your ground
  • Share your take often, we want to hear it!

Remember, to make your content SEXY, make it:

  • Shareable
  • - Exciting
  • - Xperience
  • - Your take

There you have it, everything you need to get your content looking SEXY in any bikini you put it in.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this. It means a lot. If you enjoyed this, give it a clap or even comment.

I dare you to!

If you find this story helpful and want more actionable insights, check out my daily dose of motivation here and follow me on Twitter.

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Kiraa Wells

I write about everything I’m learning, things I’m thinking about, and ideas I’m having. This helps me more than anything get out of my own head.